Going into Action! with Atari XL/XE – Part 1 – Hello World!

Going into Action! with Atari XL/XE – Part 1 – Hello World!

Welcome to the first part of this programming series where we will learn (or die trying!) to learn Action!, a high-performance and easy-to-learn programming language for Atari 8-bit computers. The initial article(s) will be strongly based on the two articles posted on Atariage by the user hloberg who told me I could use it as I see fit! Thanks, HLO!

Learning Resources

AtariWiki Action! page is fairly complete and offers PDFs of all printed documentation once provided along with the cartridge. They are very detailed and you might check it out at some point in our journey.

The same AtariWiki page lists many versions of Action!, including disk images, cartridges ROMs for both 3.6 and 3.7 versions. I’ve found it daunting to find the right one to start with. Although you can go with any of them, I decided to create a disk image with MyDOS and Action! 3.7 plus some of the library files provided by OSS with the Action Toolkit disk. You can download the initial disk image here. Unless the programs get too big, we won’t need another disk now.

I decided on the disk image so I can use it in my real Atari 800XL with SDrive2, as well as with Altirra and Atari800MacX emulators. 

Hello World!

I was a bit reticent about using the famous Hello World program as the first example, mainly because of the Action! syntax will look familiar to the average programmer. However, it is still valuable to use a very simple example to present the basic concepts and the integrated development environment workflow. That said, here it is:

proc Init()  
  printe("Hello World!")

First of all, you will see most of the Action! source code out there using capital letters, but I think it looks nicer this way – As long as you keep the case-sensitive option set to off, you can use both interchangeably in the same program.

The program above will simply print the message Hello World on the screen and finish.

The proc..return block is a procedure. As in ‘C’ and other languages, every program is a procedure, or better, a group of one or more procedures. A procedure is like a GOSUB in BASIC. What you are doing is calling your program (PROCedure) from the Atari OS then RETURNing back to the Atari OS when finished. 

The Action! compiler will always use the last procedure in the source code as the initial procedure, the one called first when the program is executed. As opposed to “C” which has the mandatory procedure mainAction! doesn’t really care about the name, If it is the last one found, it will start there.

The command inside the function is part of a set of print<sufix> commands available in Action!. The suffix will change the behaviour of the command based on the type of data you want to print and how it will be displayed on the screen (We will see more as we progress – so far I know a few more). In the example below, printe will print the string “Hello World” on the screen and add a newline at the end.

Let me try it!

Ok, let’s do it together. When you first boot the disk and start Action! you will see a screen like this:

Figure 1 – Editor

What you see is the text editor, ready for you to enter the program. Action! program is an Integrated Development Environment, where you have the editor, the compiler, and the debugger, all in the same package.

The editor is actually very sophisticated, almost apar with modern editors in terms of features. It even lets you edit two windows at the same time! More to that when we need it.

Type in the program above exactly like it is presented. Almost all editor is activated using the Control key associated with another key. For example, to navigate the cursor, you should use Control + <arrow> pointing the direction you want to move it to. You can check many of the other commands reading the reference card or the documentation. Here, I decided to talk about them when they are needed.

After you enter the program, press Control+M to enter the monitor screen – another boring-looking screen. The commands are typed at the top of the screen and the rest will show you whatever message needs to be displayed, or the program output.

To compile our Hello World, just type “C” and enter. Since the program is small, the program will be ready to run in an instant. If there are no errors, you will hear a beep and no messages.

If that’s the case just type “R” and enter. This is what you should see:

Figure 2 – Monitor screen showing the program output

That’s our first Action! program!

Editor 101

I find the Action! editor is very powerful, even for today’s standards. If you made a mistake you can use some basic shortcuts in order to fix your program. 

Assuming you are on the monitor screen (figure 2), you can type “E” to go back to the editor and see your program again:

All the shortcuts used by the editor can be found in the Action! manual and also on a handy reference card. Here, let’s just mention the basics to get around, even if that means we are typing more.

  • CTRL+Arrows – On the real computer you should use Ctrl and arrows to move the cursor around. On the emulator, you don’t have to hold Ctrl.
  • CTRL+Shift+I – Toggle on/off insert mode – I usually keep it on so anything I type, or even a new line, will be inserted, moving the text so there is room for the new characters/lines.
  • CTRL+Del – Deletes the character under the cursor (aka deletes ahead)
  • Shift+Del – Delete the current line
  • CTRL+Shift+W – Saves the current program on disk
  • CTRL+Shift+R – Loads a program from disk

This should be enough for now to fix any mistake made in the program. This is a good time to save it to disk. Following the disk image I provided, you can save typing CTRL+Shift+W and typing D:>SRC>HELLO.ACT. This will save the program in the SRC directory with the name HELLO.ACT. If you are following along using a different DOS, make sure you know the right commands.

Note: Although I will type the programs using lower case characters, I decided to keep the filenames in all capital letters.
Figure 3 – Saving your program

If you are not familiar with Action! or even how the Atari DOS(es) work, play around a little bit, reboot and load the program from disk using the CTRL+SHIFT+R command, compile again, go back to the editor, etc. 

If you need to check the disk directory, you first have to go to the monitor CTRL+SHIFT+M and then type “D”. To go back to action, just reset the computer.

By the way, remember to save your program every time before going to the monitor!!

What is next?

I don’t think I want to follow the standard tutorial-style going over every single detail about the language using standalone examples. There is plenty of excellent material following this method, and they are great. In the next parts of this series, I will jump into graphics programming and try to make something more fun!

If you have questions, comments, and corrections please comment below so I can learn me as well as all the other readers!